Wendy Brendle
Montgomery Coordinator | wendy@summershowoffs.com
Wendy Brendle was born and raised in Columbus, Mississippi. She attended college at Mississippi State University. After receiving her Bachelor of Education degree in Fitness Management, she finished her formal education with a master's degree in Exercise Physiology from the University of Alabama. While at MSU, Wendy sang with a contemporary Christian band and, after moving to Montgomery, sang in a country band. In an effort to instill a love for music in her children, she began driving her girls from Montgomery to Auburn every summer to Summer Show-Offs camp as soon as they were old enough to participate. Little did she know that only a few years later she would be coordinating SSO in Montgomery. Wendy lives in Montgomery, Alabama, with her husband, Kent, and three children, Gray, Cate Scott, and Brooks. She is a member of First Baptist Church, Montgomery, where she sings in the choir and teaches preschool choir. She spends her time being a mom, personal training clients, and working with SSO.