Our mission is simple: building confidence and character through song and dance.
Summer Show-Offs teaches children performance techniques, stage presence, singing, and dancing. We achieve this mission by giving each child a solo and showing that everyone can perform on stage. 
Summer Show-offs is a 5-day summer camp for children across the southeast in rising 1st through 12th grade. Campers meet from 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM Monday through Thursday to learn vocals and choreography for five songs. They come together in a special performance on Friday to create an experience that will not only bring joy to their audience but instill a spark in each child that participates.
Beginning in Jackson, Mississippi, SSO has grown to one of the largest show choir camps of its kind since its start in 1989.
In this busy and competitive world, we strive to give kids the opportunity to perform in a non-threatening environment. We allow children to experiment and develop their talents without feeling insecure or intimidated. Summer Show-Offs, at its heart, teaches confidence and character.